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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

bocconcini tapas!

In Italy, 'bocconcini means 'mouthful' - referring not to size or the small nuggets of mozzarella as we know them, but to the appetising appeal of the dish it relates to! Don't be confused if you see bocconcini di vitello alla crema or bocconcini fiorentina or something similar on a menu or in a recipe book. 

Baby mozzarella nuggets are universally known as bocconcini in addition to the above and here my 'tapas' are part Italian, the base being tartines and part Spanish, the topping being jamon serrano. And, purely because they are small tasty morsels to serve with drinks and we like to call things like that, tapas!

Easy to make, as follows:

Lightly toast a few slices of soft, fresh white bread and cut out circles with a small pastry cutter.

Butter each tartine to avoid the bread going soggy.

On each one place a piece of jamon serrano or prosciutto, a sun dried tomato and a nugget of mozzarella and secure the toppings with a cocktail stick. I like to use large sticks - they look more dramatic and are easy to hold!

A little chopped parsley and a squeeze of caramelised balsamic vinegar completes the dish.

Bocconcini Tapas printable recipe, click here:

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