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Monday, December 5, 2011

clam fest!

clams in white wine and garlic sauce
All kinds of mollusc can be used for this recipe and as much as I love clams (pictured above) I think pipis are more interesting both in size, giving a more substantial mouthful, and texture. Whatever your choice of mollusc for this recipe make sure you purchase sand cleaned mollusc and wash them thoroughly, discarding any that have opened or smell peculiar.

This is a great thing to do in a wok and Japanese Panko breadcrumbs are an excellent thickening agent. 1kg feeds roughly six people as part of a meal of many small plates or two people for a large starter.


1kg fresh closed clams, or other mollusc (see note below), thoroughly cleaned
1-cup (250ml) water
Pinch of salt
3 tablespoons olive oil
5 spring onions both white part and approximately 3 inches of green
2 cloves of garlic, finely sliced
1-cup (250ml) white wine
Juice 1 small lemon
1 fresh or dried bay leaf
4-5 tablespoons Panko breadcrumbs
Parsley, chopped, for garnish


In a wok, heat to boiling point 250ml water and pinch of salt. Throw in the clams. Lower heat; cook the clams gently to prevent toughening. Cover the wok and cook until all the shells have opened, shaking the wok now and then. Discard any that have not opened. Remove with a slotted spoon and keep warm. Strain the cooking liquor and set aside.

Wipe the wok, heat the olive oil, add the onion and garlic and sweat until transparent. Pour in the wine and bring to the boil, stir in the breadcrumbs. Add the cooking liquor, lemon juice, bay leaf and season with black pepper. Return the clams to the wok and gently turn them through the sauce, stir in the parsley. Transfer the shells and sauce to a serving platter.

Note: substitute the 250ml of water (to open the shellfish) for fish stock providing the stock is not too salty. Substitute clams for pipis, small scallops or mussels or the mighty razor clam, my favourite of all. Clams are high in protein and contain fair amounts of calcium and iron.

Clam fest printable recipe, click here:
sliced garlic and spring onions

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